GolfHerd Pricing

GolfHerd Pricing

GolfHerd pricing is by subscription, based on the number of active member profiles¹ in your database.

GolfHerd Pricing

Number of Members in League
From To
1 25 $  19.95
26 50 $  35.95
51 100 $  69.95
101 175 $  115.95
176 250 $  159.95
251 500 $  299.95
501 1000 $  499.95
1001+ Upon request

– GolfHerd Pricing Rates include all membership types and levels and 1 MB of image and pdf data storage.
– All GolfHerd pricing rates are per calendar month and are quoted in US Dollars.
– Data storage in excess of 1 MB will be billed monthly at $1 per 10 MB or fraction thereof.

¹An active member profile is defined as a person whose membership expiration date is greater than today’s date, regardless of their opt-in status for email and postal mail.
If the total active profile count in your database exceeds 200% of the active membership count, you will be subscribed to a MailHerd license for the number of profiles exceeding the membership count.
Example: 366 active profiles with 64 active members = a GolfHerd license for 51 – 100 members AND a MailHherd license, based on the 238 excess non-member active profiles, for 0 – 500 profiles. Please refer to the MailHerd pricing page for details.
Active profiles are entries in your database which have not:
– chosen to opt-out of both your email and postal mail lists
– been reported as invalid email addresses nor been returned as ‘Undeliverable’
– had more than six instances of undeliverable email within a 6-month period
An email-only profile opted-out or reported invalid is not included in the count. A profile with an email that is opted out or invalid, but with an opted-in postal mail address is included in the count. Profiles with both email and postal mail opted-out or invalid are not included in the count.

GolfHerd tournament pricing is based on the number of tournament entrants and provides 60 days access to GolfHerd. After your tournament, your league can convert to an ongoing GolfHerd subscription at the prevailing rates, shown above.

Number of Tournament Entrants
up to 72 $ 49.95
73 or more $ 99.95