Manage golf inventory and sign-ups for your league's golf dates and events with GolfHerd. Create, store and utilize data on one or multiple golf courses in your GolfHerd database; updating golf course information is simple too. Administrators can add, cancel or revise inventory for golf dates and tee times quickly and easily; GolfHerd allows differential pricing for member greens fees and guest / non-member greens fees also. Afterwards, quickly email updated golf schedules using this automated GolfHerd feature.
Of course, change is a fact of life too. Golf date rescheduled due to weather? Need to add tee times at a popular course? Advised by the course that your scheduled tee times are now going out as a shotgun start or vice versa? No problem! Using GolfHerd, you can revise greens fees by date and tee time to suit demand, including consolidating golfers into fewer tee times and cancelling empty foursomes for golf dates which aren't selling well.
GolfHerd features automated golfer tee time sign-up and cancellation via the web for members. Your league can also elect to use GolfHerd's automated non-member/visitor tee time sign-up feature; non-members cancellation requests go to the administrator for handling. All golfers receive confirmations of their tee times booked and cancelled automatically via email. Members can review their tee times, including playing partners, via the web when they log-in to GolfHerd and move themselves to a different foursome, pending availability. Administrators can email reminders by golf event to all golfers for their upcoming tee times prior to the golf date; this allows cancellations and revisions prior to the date of play.